Ready to master your marketing and mindset as an entrepreneur?

Just drop your email address below to receive WEEKLY tips on how to achieve God-empowered success by implementing the same marketing and mindset skills that Jesus had.
With each email I send you, it's my goal to have you feel more confident and clear on the steps to take to grow your creative business and prioritize your spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing as you step into God's calling for YOU.

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    Monetize your business

    Growing a business can feel extremely difficult in today's online world. This email newsletter is here to make it easy. You'll learn how to start and grow an online business through effective audience building, digital marketing, and "nonsalsey" sales strategies so you can build a mission-driven successful business.

    Minimize your burnout

    Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and struggling to maintain peace in your entrepreneur journey? This email newsletter will help. You'll learn how to re-prioritize your mental health and maintain the right headspace that will set both you and your business up for success.

    Maximize your

    Faith in your dreams is important. But having faith in the one that placed those dreams in your heart is even more important. This email newsletter will remind you of the what and who Jesus is and His desire for you to live a PROSPEROUS life.

    Who am I?

    I'm Angel Marie - Holistic success coach focusing on business and mindset development. Through my content creation and education style, I teach content creators and aspiring entrepreneurs how to monetize their business without maximizing their burnout - all while finding their faith in between. With intentionality and a natural tendency to inspire, I'll show you the behind-the-scenes of what’s actually working right now so you can benefit from proven strategies.